Course curriculum

    1. Recommended Readings

    2. Introduction to the Course

    1. What is Top Management Support and Why is it Important?

    2. Why Create a Business Case?

    3. Pitching your Business Case for Level of Organisational Readiness

    4. Module 1 Quiz

    1. Reason 1 - Legal Compliance

    2. Reason 2 - Improve Productivity, Engagement, Job Satisfaction and Retention

    3. Reason 3 - Sustainability

    4. Reason 4 - Become an Employer of Choice

    5. Reason 5 - It's the Right Thing to Do

    6. Bringing your Business Case Together

    7. Module 2 Quiz

    1. Conclusion and Summary

About this course

  • Free
  • 14 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content